Oi Frog! Top Trumps Juniors Card Game

  • An educational and entertaining card game that brings your favourite rhyming animals to life
  • Have fun and boost your memory, knowledge and observational skills at the same time
  • New sturdier packaging is easy for small hands to use, and keeps cards clean and protected
  • Incredible value for money with five games in one – Mini Top Trumps, Pairs, Spot the Difference, Take 5 and Observation Quiz – plus a bonus dot-to-dot card as well
  • Discover the silliness rating, rhyme, comfiness and botty size of your favourite animals as you compete for the title of Top Trump!

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If mules sit on stools and gibbons sit on ribbons, what’s a frog who doesn’t like logs to sit on? The loveable rhyming world of Oi Frog! gets the Top Trumps Juniors treatment in this brand new edition of the classic card game. Based on the celebrated Oi Frog! series of books by Kes Gray and Jim Field, these original rhyming cards are guaranteed to make children laugh, think and engage.

In a world where owls sit on towels, gophers sit on sofas and goats sit on coats, Oi Frog! is a unique, colourful and hilarious franchise that lends itself perfectly to Top Trumps, whether you’re already a fan of the books or just starting to discover them. This set contains official artwork from the series, plus loads of mini-games like spot the difference and dot-to-dot to keep players entertained for hours, so get stuck in! Just don’t ask what dogs sit on…